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Gutema Firisa Construction is a sole proprietor organization established in 2000E.C (2008G.C ) under the provision of the commercial code of Ethiopia Article 313 and enters into the construction market.

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  • info@gutemafirisa.com
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Project Details

Gutema Firisa Construction > Our Projects > Projects > Construction of Student Dormitory at Mettu University

Construction of Student Dormitory at Mettu University

Project Overview: Construction of Student Dormitory at Mettu University

Mettu, Illubabor Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Gutema Firisa Construction

The project involves the construction of a new student dormitory building at Mettu University. This project aims to enhance the living conditions for students and support their academic success. The construction includes the following key components:

  1. Student Dormitory Building:
    A G+4 (Ground plus 4 floors) dormitory designed to provide modern and comfortable living accommodations for the students of Mettu University.

Key Features:

  • G+4 Floor Building:
    The dormitory will be a multi-story building with a ground floor and four additional floors, offering ample space to accommodate a significant number of students.
  • Modern Amenities:
    The dormitory will be equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable and conducive living environment. This includes well-designed rooms, common areas for socializing and studying, and essential facilities such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.
  • Safety and Security:
    The building will be constructed with a focus on safety and security, including fire safety measures, secure entry points, and 24/7 security services to ensure the well-being of the residents.
  • Accessibility:
    The dormitory will be designed to be accessible, with features such as ramps and elevators to accommodate students with disabilities.

Gutema Firisa Construction is dedicated to delivering a high-quality dormitory building that meets the needs of Mettu University students. The construction of the Student Dormitory at Mettu University in the Oromia Region’s Illubabor Zone aims to improve the overall student experience by providing a safe, comfortable, and supportive living environment. This project represents a significant investment in the university’s infrastructure, contributing to the academic success and well-being of its students.

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