About Us

Gutema Firisa Construction is a sole proprietor organization established in 2000E.C (2008G.C ) under the provision of the commercial code of Ethiopia Article 313 and enters into the construction market.

Contact Info

  • Bole Oromia Building
  • info@gutemafirisa.com
  • Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00

GF Coffee Export

Gutema Firisa Construction > GF Coffee Export
History of GFCoffee Export

Family background of Gutema Firisa On Coffee

The Gutema family has been living in the vicinity of Gimbie town, specifically in Wallo Yesus kebele (Go'ii Choli). Ato Gutema Firisa, who was born here, grew up in a region that is well-suited for growing coffee trees due to its favorable climate and fertile soil. His grandfather and family were coffee farmers and planted numerous coffee trees in their kebele, which was popular among the neighboring farmers. During those times, the farmers only used traditional coffee marketing methods at the local market.
Ato Gutema's father worked at the Ethiopia Coffee Market Corporation for over 40 years. Given his family's attachment to coffee, Ato Gutema decided to improve coffee marketing and export practices by establishing coffee export company. Prior to venturing into coffee export, Ato Gutema was involved in the construction sector and became well-known and respected in Ethiopia as GC1.
  • Wollega Coffee
  • Sidamo Coffee
  • Yirgachefe Coffee
  • Harar Coffee
Coffee History

Family's attachment to coffee

In 2023 G.C, he established GF Coffee Export, a sister company with a capital of 10,000,000.00 Eth birr, with a future expansion specializing in coffee processing such as roasting, grinding, and packaging. GF Coffee Export is dedicated to sourcing and exporting high-quality coffee beans from different regions of Ethiopia, providing customers with exceptional coffee experiences. With rich expertise and an extensive network within the Ethiopian coffee industry, GF Coffee Export ensures that each bean embodies unique flavors and characteristics indicative of its origin, promising a journey of taste and aroma that transcends borders and captivates palates globally. The company has a rich heritage deeply embedded in Ethiopia’s coffee culture and aims to showcase the exquisite flavors and unique profiles of Ethiopian coffee beans to coffee lovers worldwide. GF Coffee Export has honed its expertise, built strong partnerships with local coffee farmers, and established a reputation for excellence in the coffee export industry.

About Mission

Our Mission, Vision & Values

To become a leader in the coffee export industry.
We aim to achieve this by consistently providing our customers with the finest coffee beans sourced from the best regions in Ethiopia and beyond. Our goal is to set new standards of excellence and become synonymous with exceptional quality and reliability in the global coffee market.


Firstly, we are dedicated to ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of quality in all our products and services. From the moment the beans are sourced to the final delivery, we uphold strict quality control measures to guarantee that our customers receive only the finest coffee beans.
Secondly, we are committed to conducting our business operations in an ethical and sustainable manner. We strive to foster long-lasting relationships with our stakeholders while contributing to the socio-economic development of the coffee-producing communities in Ethiopia.

By supplying the high quality of coffee for our customers, the company gets profit & penetrates the coffee market in internationally.


About GFC

Our Background

Gutema Firisa Construction is a reputable construction company licensed in 2000 E.C (2008 G.C) in Ethiopia. They specialize in general construction works and have grown steadily over the past fifteen years. The company has modern construction machinery, notable qualifications, and experienced professionals who can successfully undertake construction works. They have completed various government projects in Ethiopia and have an annual turnover of more than eight hundred million Eth. Birr. The company’s top management has adopted quality management systems to improve overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives.



We are unwavering in our commitment to delivering premium quality coffee beans to our customers. Quality is at the heart of everything we do, and we continuously strive to exceed industry standards.


We conduct our business with the utmost integrity, honesty, and transparency. We believe in building trust and credibility with our customers, suppliers, and stakeholders through fair and ethical practices.


We recognize the importance of preserving the environment and supporting sustainable agricultural practices. We are dedicated to promoting environmentally friendly and socially responsible initiatives within the coffee industry.

Customer Satisfaction:

Our customers are our top priority, and we go above and beyond to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. We are committed to providing exceptional service and building long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

The Coffee grades of GF exports for customers

Washed Ethiopian green coffee

Yirga cheffe
The Coffee grades of GF exports for customers

Unwashed Ethiopian green coffee

Gr4 and 5
Gr4 and 5

Company’s Fixed Asset

The company has 16 (Sixteen) heavy duty Machineries & trucks.
24 (Twenty four) light vehicles which service in Addis & different corner of the country.
Among the heavy duty of machineries of the company two trucks are transport the coffee from interior to Addis Ababa & two trucks are transport the coffee from Addis Ababa –Djibouti port.



our premium export-standard coffee. Carefully sourced from the finest coffee-growing regions, GFCOFFEE ensures exceptional quality in every bean. Our dedication to excellence shines through our meticulous selection and grading process, delivering a rich, full-bodied flavor that meets the highest international standards. Whether you are a coffee connoisseur or a casual drinker, GFCOFFEE promises a superior coffee experience. Elevate your coffee moments with GFCOFFEE – where every cup reflects our commitment to quality and craftsmanship.