About Us

Gutema Firisa Construction is a sole proprietor organization established in 2000E.C (2008G.C ) under the provision of the commercial code of Ethiopia Article 313 and enters into the construction market.

Contact Info

  • Bole Oromia Building
  • info@gutemafirisa.com
  • Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00

Organizational Structures

Gutema Firisa Construction > Organizational Structures
some of our experiances


Oromia Justice

Sector Professional Training and Legal Research Institute Construction of G+2…

Bishoftu City Administration

New Administration Offices Construction Project Project Overview The Bishoftu City…

Construction of Federal Police Residential Camp at Asosa Town

Location:Benishangul Gumuz Region, Asosa Town, Ethiopia Contractor:Gutema Firisa Construction The…